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Join the Community efforts in fulfilling the Mitzvah of Mishloach Manot

Purim is one of the Jewish calendar’s most joyous and fun holidays. On Purim, we emphasize the importance of Jewish unity and friendship by sending gifts of food to friends and family. This Purim Mitzvah is called Mishloach Manot.


This year, Chabad is again sponsoring shared Mishloach Manot gift boxes at a low cost so that as many community families as possible can participate in this tradition. Everyone in the community (not limited to the attached list) is invited to partake in this special Purim Mitzvah. We will deliver Mishloach Manot to any family you choose in the Sarasota-Manatee area. 


This year’s gift box is designed to integrate the themes of Jewish Pride, Am Yisrael Chai, and the joy of Purim. In addition, to show support for Israel, the food items included in the box are from Israel. Photos of the gift box are available online:


Recipient families will receive one package with a note listing all the names of friends/families who have sent Mishloach Manot to them. All proceeds will benefit the Chabad Center.


Here’s How It Works:

• Your selection will be grouped with other senders and sponsors. The recipient will get one unique Purim gift box filled with Hamantashen and other Purim treats and a card listing the names of all the senders. Out-of-towners will receive a Purim card instead of a package.


• Carefully circle the number to the left of the names of the families to whom you wish to send a gift box. Each name you choose from the attached list is only $15. The minimum participation fee is $45, which entitles you to 3 choices. 


• If you would like to add a person not listed, you may submit their name, address, phone number, and the subdivision they reside in on the attached form. The cost for additional names not listed is $25 each. 


• Avoid any hurt feelings with our “Reciprocity” option. If someone sent it to you but you did not send it to them, we will automatically add them to your list and bill you $15 per box. 


• For a $260.00 sponsorship, your name will be placed on every Purim gift box delivered as a sponsor.


• Our volunteers will deliver all ordered or reciprocated Purim gift boxes in the Sarasota-Manatee area by Purim Sunday, March 24. If, for some reason, a package cannot be delivered on Purim due to circumstances beyond our control, we will send it via USPS by Tuesday, March 26.


• If you want to include someone on our future Mishloach Manot list, please call the office at 925-0770.


The deadline for placing orders is Friday, March 15, 2024


Aaron, Arthur & Julia

Adler, Kim

Alexander, Kenneth & Gayle

Aronson, Robert

Atia, Zahi & Jaklin

Avrasin, Mikhail 

Avrasin, Yefim

Azeff, Robert & Debby

Bartel, Joseph

Baruch, Elliot

Bearon, Sid

Belaya, Irina

Benice, Ronald & Doris

Beningson, Herbert & Rhoda

Bergman, Richard & Rebecca

Berkowitz, Jack & Suzanne 

Berman, Aleksandra

Black, Ian & Rosann

Bloom, Marty & Mindy

Bloom, Sylvia

Borenstein, Helen

Bottner, Al & Rosalie 

Brivik, Desmond 

Brivik, Mark

Brown, Heidi & David

Brumberg, Sheila & Richard

Cabrera, Yiftach 

Ceaser, Dan & Kathrine

Cetron, Allan 

Chawkins, Ron

Chesnoff, Joel & Tsafra 

Cherrill, Adam & Stella

Cholak, Larry & Lora

Cobleigh, Susan

Cohen, Brad & Elisa

Craig, Ben & Lauren 

Crawford, Estelle

Crawford, Roger 

Damasco, Jennifer

Davidovich, Igor & Nelli

Davidson, Marilyn

Davidson, Lawrence

Davis, Esther

Dietz, Kelly Anne 

Dorsey, Leon & Rachel

Dubin, Maxine

Dubin, Meryl 

Dudovich, Susan

Elk, Philip 

Engelhart, Marc & Diane 

Englander, Shep

Enslein, Richard

Epstein, Harriet

Ettedgui, Sidney

Evantash, David

Feig, Hadar & Leora

Feldman, Steven & Karen 

Feldman, Melissa

Fell, Maxine

Feuerstein, David & Jodi Bloom

Figdor, Sue

Finkelstein, Burt & Susan

Firestone, Dorothy

Fischer, Jehuda 

Fox, Arthur & Sheila

Fox, Michael & Ilene

Fraidowitz, Allie

Franco, Richard & Arlene

Freeman, Michael & Rachel

Friedland, Bernard & Shirley

Friedlander, Leonard & Cassia

Fuchs, Howard & Annette

Galimidi, Uriel & Shoshana 

Geffre, Colin & Ilanit

Getty, Andrei & Janis

Glauser, Stanley

Glatz, Rifka

Glixon, Lorraine

Gobuty, Marshall & Dina

Goldblatt, Ralph

Goldfarb, Allan & Miriam

Goldis, Allen & Jo

Goldman, David & Rachel 

Goldner, Diana

Goldsby, Marsha & Hank

Gordon, Michael & Leigh

Gorn, Barry

Graber, David & Tonia

Green, Arlene

Green, Joshua & Julie 

Gross, Samuel & Ariana 

Gruber, David & Georgia 

Grupman, Emma

Gupp, Alfred & Helene

Guttman, Al & Hedy

Haas, Aaron

Haberman, James

Haftel, Seymour & Sylvia

Hakim, Clement & Alya 

Hankin, Lawrence 

Hersh, Ginette 

Hibnik, Michael

Hirsh-Friedman, Mariana 

Hoffman, Jane

Hoffman Eric & Sue 

Hollander, Agnes

Howard, Amy

Howard, Steve & Sharron

Hughes, Rebecca

Hyatt, Ron & Ruthy

Ikeman, Robert

Inbar, Yehuda & Betsy

Ioffe, Edward & Zina

Isaac, Jeffrey & Sheryl

Jacob, Carlyne

Johnson, Mary Jo

Jones, Michael 

Jones, Charlotte

Jones, Paige

Joseph, Ed & Gail

Kammerman, Gayle 

Kamis, Alvan & Libby

Kaplan, Kathryn

Kates, Michael & Andrea

Katz, Joel

Kichen, Lee

Kirshner, Arthur & Annette

Klafter, Samuel & Linda

Kohnstam, Susan & Pieter

Kosman Gennady & Zoya

Kosman, Jenny

Krotenko, David & Elina

Krotenko, Larry & Roza

Kulman, Harold & Judy

Lander, Howard

Lande, Irina 

Landman, Robert & Randelle

Lasday, Stephen & Renae 

Laufer, Sadie

Leifer, David

Levando, Alex & Eleanore

Levenberg, Laurence & Maritta

Levin, Alan & Joan 

Levin, Atara 

Levin, Jerome & Sue Ann

Liban, Felicia

Libman, Bill & Lisa

Lindsay, Stanley 

Liner, David & Lori 

Lira, Henrik & Judith

Litovsky, Konstantin & Nina 

Loewe, Charles & Lisa

Lowenstein, Linda

Loring, Alan & Sue

Lowery, Joan 

Malkin, Chris & Jill

Malova, Victoria

Marino, Lucie 

Marosi, Ilana 

Mason, Linda

Melmed, Helga 

Milberg, David & Linda

Mills, Howard 

Mizrahi, Dror & Rochelle

Mizrahi, Keren

Moyal, Michael

Murad, Eliahou & Valentine 

Nadtochaieva, Diana 

Nadtochaiev, Mykhailo & Olena 

Newmark, Ken & Susan

Nierenberg, Andrea

Nierenberg, Meredith

Nussbaum, Gerry

O’Connell Ilene & Paul

Oestreich, Hilary & Anita

Osherov, Amir & Noa 

Oykherman, Irina

Oynick, Flora

Patrusky, Eric & Lori

Pearson, Michelle 

Pintchuck, Gisele

Pollak, Bertha

Press, Ira

Prokopenko, Ivan & Inna 

Rachmin, Alon & Karin 

Read, Michele

Rivkin, Leonard & Ester 

Ronkin, Gerry 

Rodov, Alex & Polina 

Rosen, Martin 

Rosenberg, Noah & Lili

Rosenfeld, Sasha

Rubin, Brent & Ricki 

Rubin, Jeffrey & Mercedes

Rudo, Jay & Susan

Ruggles, Leonore

Rutenberg, Zeev & Shoshana 

Sabbah, Sylvia

Sage, Linda

Sainer, Joel & Arlene

Salomon, Bernard & Simone

Saltzberg, Darren & Rachel 

Samson, Russell & Susan

Schechter, Sonia & Scott

Schlanger, Mark

Schneider, Barry

Schneider, Sam & Tali

Schwartz, David

Schwartzbaum, Judith

Schwarz, Kathie

Sedacca, Jeff & Nikki

Seife, Rae

Serebro, Max & Natasha

Shabbat, Nati

Shapiro, David & Robin 

Shapiro, Yosef

Shere, Barbara

Sharoni, Oren & Karin

Sherwood, Meryl & Jason

Shifman, Alla

Siegel, Arthur & Rebecca

Siegel, Gloria

Siegel, Stuart & Paula

Silver, Valerie 

Simon, Robert & Sheri

Simon, Theodore

Singer Jennifer

Sklar, Ruth

Solomon, Maxine

Spivak, Eugene & Katie 

Stein, Barry & Anne

Steinmetz, Chaim & Sara

Steinmetz, Levi & Leah

Steinmetz, Zev & Shaina

Stewart, Marion

Stupp, Elliott & Evelyne

Sulek, Janet

Swanson, Jaana 

Swartz, JoAnn

Tannenbaum, Alan & Susan

Tauber, Lesli

Tedesco, Elaine 

Temmer, Paul

Tenenbaum, Henry & Renee Silverman 

Tevlowitz, Howard & Bryna

Tobali, Sacha 

Torin, Paul 

Troy-Meeks, Lynn

Tsiperovich, Boris & Yeva

Tudin, Ronni & Lana

Tummon, Emma 

Vallone, Richard & Lauren

Van Praag, Stanley & Debbie 

Waldman, Martin & Shelley

Walsh, Bernard & Lauren

Warrenbrand, Corey & Stefanie

Weber, Herman & Elizabeth

Weinstein, Joshua

Weinstein, Paecia

Weisberg, Gary

Weisman, Kirk & Jo Ellyn Yturraspe

West, Bob

Whalen, Nechama

Wicentowski, David & Jane

Wiesner, Ira & Donna

Wolpert, Craig

Wolpert, Michael

Youngelman, Eric & Pamela 

Zaret, Bette

Zehnwirth, Harry 

Zorde, Michael & Ella

Chabad Lubavitch of

Sarasota & Manatee Counties


7700 Beneva Road * Sarasota, FL 34238

​​Tel: +1 (941) 925-0770 • Fax: +1 (941) 925-0771


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